Defending A White Collar Criminal Case

The F.B.I. defines white collar crime as “a full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals.” These offenses can range from minor benefits fraud to sophisticated Ponzi schemes, and the non-filing taxpayer as well as the complicated tax shelter promotion. While each case requires subject matter expertise, the successful defense of white collar cases hinges on a combination of skill, creativity and judgment. These offenses present special challenges: the issues are complex, the documents are confusing and often voluminous and the press coverage may be helping the prosecutor persuade jurors. The successful defense of white collar criminal allegations requires a defense attorney with experience and with the ability to put together a team of professionals including private investigators, forensic accountants and other experts to build the best possible defense against the allegations. Engaging the right computer experts is paramount – forensic experts who assist in the hunt for exculpatory evidence and litigation support professionals who help organize the mountains of digital evidence the government produces. With nearly 5,000 federal criminal offenses, and hundreds of thousands of regulations that can be punished criminally, the power of the federal prosecutor has never been stronger. Many offenses are vague, they can be stretched beyond recognition, and nearly all are connected to the ever-increasing Sentencing Guidelines. Prosecutors are armed with broad charging discretion, draconian asset forfeiture authority, and discovery rules that favor the government. If you or someone you know is facing white collar criminal defense allegations you need to arm yourself with information about the process.